Battle over LTNs moves to the High Court

In the week that Council leader Julian Bell narrowly avoided being ousted over the Council’s failure to consult with the London Ambulance Service over its Low Traffic Neighbourhood plans, the battle is moving to the High Court.

According to CAMTAG, a group campaigning against the LTNs, there are four reviews underway:

‘These Judicial Review (JR) applications were submitted to the High Court on 29 September 2020 and validated on 1 October 2020. They were delivered electronically to Ealing Council on 2 October 2020 and in hard copy on 3 October 2020. The JR applications relate to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) and Ealing Council’s failure to meet its obligations under Section 122 of the Road Traffic Act 1984 and its public sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010.

The remedy being sought by one of the JR claims is the quashing of the Ealing (West Ealing LTN) (No1) Experimental Traffic Order which created LTN 21 (West Ealing South). The application has been submitted in the names of Peter Mason, the Coldershaw and Midhurst Traffic Action Group (CAMTAG) Co-ordinator and Tracy Scott representing Ealing Residents Against Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. The other JR applications relate to the LTNs in East Acton Golf Links (W3), Loveday Road (W13) and Mattock Lane (W5).

Ealing Council has approximately three weeks in which to respond to these JR applications.’

The LTNs have been installed on a six-month trial. You can give your views on these to the Council by emailing There are also petitions in favour and against the LTNs.

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