Last chance to save Victoria Hall

The Friends of Victoria Hall have sent out this appeal for donations to save it:

The Friends of Victoria Hall (FoVH) urgently need your help to keep the Victoria Hall open for community use.

The Hall was the centre of civic life in Ealing for 125 years until it was shut down in 2019. It has hosted presidents and prime ministers, concerts, multicultural celebrations, public enquiries, election hustings and election counts, exhibitions from art to model railways, protest meetings, blood donation drives, graduation ceremonies, dance classes, amateur dramatics, film societies, NHS cardiac rehabilitation and anti-smoking classes and much more. This will all end if LBE disposes of it.

On March 12 the Charity Commission said it would allow Ealing Council to hand over the Hall to hotel operators Mastcraft. Friends of Victoria Hall say the Hall was built with funds raised from the community to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Jubilee as a place for public use. It doesn’t belong to the Council and they have no right to dispose of it.

FoVH is working with one of the UK’s top charity lawyers to appeal the Charity Commission’s ruling. Their appeal will be dealt with by the Charity Tribunal with a judge presiding over it, so it will cost money. FoVH need your help to pay the legal fees. 

The Friends urgently need your help. Please pledge as much as you can to help us cover the legal costs. Be sure to sign up for Gift Aid to make your donation go even further – the HM Charity reference number is ZD045A7. The people of Ealing will be in your debt for generations to come for helping to save this precious community amenity.

Please help with a donation on FoVH’s Crowd Justice page (and don’t forget to agree to Gift Aid):

More information:

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You can find out more about the hall, it’s history and some of the local personalities who want to save it on this short video

And there is more about the Victoria Hall saga on the local Ealing videonews outlet on Exposurebox at


Save Ealing’s Centre Group

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