Petition launched to save Gurnell Leisure Centre

West Ealing Neighbours received this email from the Save Gurnell group with details of a petition it has launched to save Gurnell Leisure Centre. This follows the Council’s failed attempt to redevelop this site. See here for the background story.

The Gurnell Leisure Centre has now been closed since March 2020 – that’s nearly two years without our much loved and much needed facility.  To raise awareness of this issue, the Save Gurnell campaign team have started a petition to the Mayor of London seeking his assistance. Click here to sign the petition.

Gyms and leisure centres play a key role in helping people to be active and they will be crucial in our nation’s recovery from coronavirus, in addition to providing wider health, wellbeing, and community benefits. The current position is totally unacceptable.

Since the planning application was refused in March 2021, there has been a distinct lack of communication from the new leadership team at Ealing Council.  That’s why we have started a petition to the Mayor of London, asking him to step in and assist as he has with the National Sports Centre at Crystal Palace.We would appreciate it if you could forward this update and petition to your members. Please don’t let Gurnell go the same way as Ealing Cinema.

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