150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 16

Welcome to Week 16 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are a few things that we’ve seen in the last couple of weeks:



Tracy Vize – 8:18am Jun 16

Don’t forget the Hanwell Carnival is on next Saturday




Felicity Sandford
Felicity Sandford 8:05pm Jun 14
Dropped a pile of cards and a £10 in a cab on Thursday night- bank, credit, library, gift voucher, Tastecard etc. All have just been returned to me by the taxi driver who managed to track me down via LinkedIn! Technology is both spooky and splendid! – feeling lucky.


Daniel Raven-Ellison

Daniel Raven-Ellison 8:15pm Jun 14
I live near Blondin and am campaigning for London to become the world’s first National Park City, a new kind of national park.The campaign is building momentum and, if you like the idea, I would love to have your support. Please take a moment to sign our petition here:http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/let-s-make-london-the-world-s-first-national-park-city-glnpThis article on the Guardian website provides an overview of the idea.http://www.theguardian.com/local-government-network/2014/may/27/greater-london-national-park-city

Please do let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.


Gill Adams

Gill Adams 11:20am Jun 18
‘Shops you may never have tried in West Ealing’ – has anyone got any ‘secret’ shopping tips for users or potential users of what the Broadway has to offer? I need encouragement to move beyond Sainsbury’s…and I don’t just mean Lidl! Has anyone tried any of the many fresh fish shops for example and, if so, what do you recommend?


Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Cut back on screen-time
  • Help carry something heavy
  • Plan a reunion of family, friends, or those with whom you had a special connection
  • Find out what’s going on at your local library
  • Read the local news faithfully
  • Buy a BBQ and invite others over for a meal
  • Fix it even if you didn’t break it
  • Pick it up even if you didn’t drop it

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
Add a comment to this blog post (below)

150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 15

Welcome to Week 15 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are a few things that we’ve seen in the last two weeks, including the Big Lunch in Dean Gardens, great examples of local history, and a lovely story about local bees:

Simon RobertsSimon Roberts – 5:10pm May 29

As some of us have been doing local history stuff on other threads I thought I would upload this photo that my father took. I’m guessing about 1960 in the South Ealing rd

If anyone is interested, I did a little research/hunt yesterday and found the sites of the underground WW2 air raid shelters in Lammas, Walpole and Dean Gardens parks. They’re still there, just buried.


Leila Molaei – 11:23am May 27
Gurnell Leisure Centre will be having a ‘Meet the Manager’ session at the centre, on 24 June at 5pm. If you’re a Gurnell member, I urge you to attend. I ceased my membership because I became fed up with my feedback not being responded to. http://www.ealingtoday.co.uk/default.asp?section=info&page=eagurnell001.htm

Brian Mitchison and Stan Miller from Ealing Bees Association rescued a homeless swarm of bees trying to settle in a large tree in Hastings Road. As an inhabitant of that road I was grateful they came and cleverly captured them.   Using a large plastic container, a long pole with another one firmly fixed to it, they managed to tip huge swirling masses of bees into the container and then transfer them into a hive.  The bees were then sprayed with sugar water for hydration and food.  Stan and Brian had to capture the Queen.  If they captured her then the others would follow, but she was difficult to find in the midst of the thousands.  Finally it seemed it was done with huge numbers scrambling to enter the hive where she now found herself.  Any that were left, we were assured, would quickly return to the hive from which they came.   Apparently this is a good year for bees with new Queens flying out of hives taking large numbers of bees with them.  Good news for us.  According Stan, in China they are reduced to pollinating by hand, as all the bees have been destroyed.  Neighbours gathered and watched enjoying the sun and momentary excitement.

And from this very blog:

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Join an oral history project – as history collector, or history giver
  • Join a book club
  • Volunteer to deliver Meals-on-Wheels in your neighbourhood
  • Start a children’s story hour at your local library
  • Be real. Be humble.
  • Tell friends and family about social capital and why it matters
  • Get involved in neighbourhood planning

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
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150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 14

Welcome to Week 14 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here some samples of what we heard about last week:


And something to look ahead to:

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Host a bring and share meal or participate in one
  • Volunteer to give someone a lift
  • Say hello when you spot an acquaintance in a supermarket
  • Host a movie night
  • Exercise together or take walks with friends or family
  • Assist with or create your town or neighbourhood’s newsletter
  • Organise a litter pick – with games in Dean Gardens afterwards

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
Add a comment to this blog post (below)

150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 12

Welcome to Week 12 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are some of the things that we’ve been up to in West Ealing in the last week:

On Saturday, Ealing Council gave away 22 tonnes of compost for those of you with green fingers – did you grab some? From Ealing Today this week:

Get your hands dirty at Walpole Park

Spring has sprung and Ealing gardeners are being urged to get mucky on Saturday 10 May and takeaway some free compost.

There will be 22 tonnes of the stuff available as part of Ealing Council’s annual compost giveaway which is held at Walpole Park.

It starts at 10am and is part of ‘Compost Awareness Week’ which runs from 5 to 11 May. Residents are advised to get there early, use the Lammas Park Gardens entrance, and check local parking restrictions.

Compost is made from recycled food and garden waste collected from homes across west London. Residents are asked to come with their own bags, containers and shovels as the compost will be loose. There will be a restriction on the quantity that can be taken by each person – approximately 100 litres.

Staff from the council’s recycling team and the West London Waste Authority will also be on hand with information and advice on composting.

Keith Townsend, executive director of environment and customer services said: “Using compost in your garden is a fantastic way to give your plants the nutrients they need to flourish. Making your own compost  saves you money and is an easy and environmentally friendly way to dispose of food and garden waste.

If you’d like to start making your own compost there are reduced prices on compost bins for residents.”

Compost can be made at home using garden waste, as well as everyday waste items such as peelings, teabags, coffee grounds and filter paper and scrunched up newspaper and cardboard.

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Plant flowers at the base of street trees
  • Volunteer at the library
  • Form or join a running club
  • Return a lost wallet
  • Use public transport and start talking with those you regularly see
  • Ask neighbours for help, and reciprocate
  • Go to a local live music event

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
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150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 11

After one week’s break, we’re back with Week 11 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are some of the things that we’ve been up to in West Ealing in the last couple of weeks:

Elaine Hill 10:52pm Apr 23
Hi everyone, the annual Beating the Bounds walk around the old parish boundary of Hanwell will take place on Bank Holiday Monday, 5 May, to raise funds for Hanwell Carnival.It’s a circular walk of approx 8 miles, starting and ending at the Fox pub in Green Lane. If you’d like to find out more about Hanwell’s history and enjoy a good walk, the main walking group will be leaving the Fox at around 12.30 and the full walk takes around 3 hours. Wear suitable walking shoes as some of the route may be muddy and bring water and snacks as there are no scheduled refreshment stops on the way.If you have small children, you may wish to do the southern half of the walk which takes in most of the boundary stones and head back to Hanwell town from the top of Grosvenor Road where it rejoins Uxbridge Road.

Pick up a walking guide with maps and historical information at the registration point at the Fox from midday on 5th May in return for a donation to Carnival funds. For more info about the walk and its origins see the “get involved” page at www.hanwellcarnival.co.uk or PM me. Many thanks.

Eve Kelly 7:31pm Apr 19
I got to say I do love north Hanwell, the people are truly lovely and I’m so glad I live here…I just wish we had something like a W7 Emporium up at the Greenford avenue/Shakespeare Rd row of shops. Any budding cafe/bar peeps looking for a new venue? :o)

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Fight to keep essential local services – your A&E post office, police station, school, etc.
  • Become a school governor
  • Gather a group to clean up a local park or cemetery
  • When somebody says “government stinks,” suggest they help fix it
  • Turn off the TV, put down your phone or tablet, and talk
  • Hold a neighbourhood barbecue (if wet in the hall)
  • Bake biscuits for new neighbours or work colleagues

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
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150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 10

Today is the start of Week 10 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are some of the things that we’ve been up to in West Ealing in the past week:

Leila posted in West Ealing Neighbours

Leila Molaei
Leila 3:27pm Apr 11
Home – Ealing Involved

Make a difference in Ealing today. Donate Time, Money and Goods to community groups, have your say o…

Hi, has anyone a ladder that I could borrow for an afternoon? I need to repair something in our garden and don’t want to buy a new one for just this one thing. Preferably someone near Waitrose. Thanks.

  • Rosie Pearce likes this.
  • Sally We have a smallish step-ladder – probably about 6foot tall if that’s any use to you. We’re on Mattock Lane but at the West Ealing end, on the corner of Mattock Lane and Chapel Road.
  • Inge Can you be more specific? Are you looking for a large stepladder or something like an extending ladder to lean against a wall?
  • Birte I think an extending ladder would be best. We need to get our washing line back on the wall. A large stepladder should hopefully do the trick as well.

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Sign up for an evening class
  • Talk to your children about the different faiths in West Ealing
  • Talk to people about voting, and encourage it
  • Persuade a local restaurant to have a designated “meet people” table
  • Host or go for dinner before or after a town meeting
  • Take dance lessons with a friend
  • Say “thanks” to public servants – police, firefighters, bus drivers, councillors, waste recyclers, street cleaners.

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
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150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 9

Today is the start of Week 9 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are some of the things that we’ve been up to in West Ealing in the past week:

It’s nice when you have a good experience with local trades people so I thought I’d post it. We just had out garden done by Christopher Cain (07505483463). He done a great job and is very reasonably priced. We are chuffed with our garden. So I would defiantly recommend him
-Mary Rose

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Have digital and device free family dinners and read to your children
  • Run for public office
  • Ask someone who looks lost if they need directions
  • Host a street party or an open house
  • Start a DIY group – friends willing to help each other clean, paint, garden, etc.
  • Offer to serve on a town committee
  • Volunteer as a Streetwatcher

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
Add a comment to this blog post (below)

150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 8

Today is the start of Week 8 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are some of the things that we’ve been up to in West Ealing in the past week:


I am collecting Actimel yoghurt pots and shape yoghurt pots to be recycled to raise money to repair the Organ At St Thomas church (next to Elthorne park) Pots can be dropped off in Church Porch which is open 8am till 6pm most days.I am also collecting Coffee jar lids, Tassimo Pods, non Savoury Biscuit wrappers (any sort) and Baby wipe packets ( any Sort). I am particularly needing baby wipe packets. if there is a nursery or baby minder who can collect but not deliver them to the church please email me and i will arrange collection
please help me and rid the landfill of these items

Muffins My act of community this week – Cakes baked ready for the PTA cake sale tomorrow at Christ the Saviour C of E Primary school. Must try one myself now!

994 members now – we just need 6 to make the 1000 – should we have a prize for the 1000th? If so, what would be a good gift (preferably free or nearly) for a West Ealing Neighbour?
-Gill – 2 April at 14:55

Stuart Melville We could donate two iPhone 5 B&O Play leather cases to your 1000th member?
2 April at 15:04 ·

Gill Adams Oh, my goodness – how lovely. Thanks Stuart Melville. Not what I was expecting. I wonder who will be the lucky one…other admins, can you hold off ‘accepting’ people for a wee while so we don’t fall over each other?
2 April at 15:05 ·

Gabriela Flores-Cerbone I can give a free coffe and a muffin!!! from Amalfi Caffe
2 April at 15:08 ··

PreemiesWell we have it up and running! And I have met some lovely people willing to donate a little of their time to make items for Preemies.

THANK YOU x Calling all knitters and crocheters , can you spare a little time to make one item for a premature baby? We are a local collection point for Preemies the non profit charity delivering to hospitals around the country.

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Join Streetbank to start sharing tools and important items with your neighbours
  • Start having lunch times (and chats!) with your co-workers
  • Join Ealing Freecycle to declutter and save money
  • Offer a neighbour a lift to work
  • Employers: give employees time (e.g., 3 days per year to work on community projects)
  • Plan a “Walking Tour” of a local historic area
  • Eat breakfast or brunch at a local gathering spot on Saturdays

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
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150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 7

Today is the start of Week 7 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are some of the things that we’ve been up to in West Ealing in the past week:


Did Oaklands school car boot on Saturday – it was a great success, lovely people – made #155!!!!Roll on the next one, May 17 – never thought I’d enjoy it so much. Also thanks to our stall neighbours who gave me their lovely old brass lamp (yes, I know I shouldn’t be acquiring) and all we gave them was an old packet of dishwasher powder!! Lots of kids had a nice time in the playground, too, and there were hot dogs and burgers and tea and coffee. Good stuff.
-Gill – March 24 at 10:30am

The ‪#‎EalingHour‬ starts tonight at 8pm – a chance to talk about Ealing on twitter. More info is here: http://news.northfields.co.uk/2014/03/what-is-ealing-hour-why-should-i-get-involved-and-how.html
-Sally – March 25 at 11:03am

Did we miss anything? Let us know!

We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Join Ealing Transition
  • Form a local outdoor activity group
  • Participate in political campaigns
  • Attend a local council committee meeting
  • Form a computer group for locals who need these skills
  • Help coach youth sports – even if you don’t have a child playing
  • Replace one of your car journeys with public transport, bike or Zipcar

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/ 
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
Add a comment to this blog post (below)

150 days of community in West Ealing: Week 6

Today is the start of Week 6 of our 150 days of community project. Don’t know what we’re talking about? Then click here. Here are some of the things that we’ve been up to in West Ealing in the past week:

We at Christ the Saviour C of E Primary School had our sponsored bunny hop this week! All the infants wore their bunny ears and hopped away, then the PTA provided the children with a well earned biscuit and drink! It was lovely seeing the older year 5 children from the juniors site helping the really little ones.


Think I should also mention Neo hairdressers again, they always manage to find me last minute appointments and free fringe trims for regular customers. They’re also offering a discount, 25% for new customers if you mention this facebook group.


I love Beauty by Jas. The shop is near the british heart foundation and downstairs it is clothes which jas’ s husband looks after and then upstairs is where you can get threading, waxing, massages by Jas and her girls. They are lovely, I recommend.


For me it has to be Bunty’s wool shop buried in the back of Daniels. It has been there over 40yrs and stocks a great range of yarn including Sublime and Debbie Bliss alongside workhorses like Patons, Wendy etc. A lovely selection of buttons and also general haberdashery such as bias binding etc. Mr Hafiz, the owner is knowledgable, friendly and ever so slightly encouraging… I have a hard time leaving with just the stuff I went in for.


Definitely the fruit and veg shop on st John’s parade – such friendly service from a lovely family. Although also a vote for buntys and an honourable mention for the forester pub which has just gone from strength to strength in the last year or so.


Just put my availability down for Ealing Foodbank. It looks like the warehouse in Hanwell is potentially going to be opening longer hours so for those of you who can only help after work this would be an ideal opportunity to get involved.

Contact: info@ealingfoodbank.org.uk


We have another great list of seven ‘acts of community’ for this week – see how many you do – maybe you already do them!

  • Walk or bike to support a cause and meet others
  • Employers: encourage volunteer/community groups to hold meetings on your site
  • Volunteer in your child’s classroom or chaperone a field trip
  • Join or start a babysitting circle
  • Attend school plays
  • Answer surveys when asked
  • Businesses: invite local government officials to speak at your workplace

We’d love to hear from you if you do any of these things, or anything else that makes people smile in West Ealing. We have loads more suggestions of things you can do, if you want to jump ahead!

Ways to send us your contributions:

Send us an email – 150daysofcommunity@gmail.com
Write on our Facebook wall – https://www.facebook.com/groups/124290860921562/ 
Tweet at us – @WENeighbours
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