Local Planning

West Ealing Planning Applications are monitored by WEN. Those applications which WEN perceives will have a negative impact on West Ealing residents are analysed and if necessary vigorously opposed. WEN comments on Ealing Council’s Local Development Framework (LDF) proposals. The LDF Core Strategy for West Ealing, recently approved by National Government, is opposed by WEN. WEN has spearheaded a government funded project, via Save Ealing Centre and Ealing Council, to lay down detailed spatial plans for the centre of West Ealing. This project is a Localism Act Front-Runner project. A West Ealing Centre Neighbourhood Forum is in the process of being created and WEN will be one of the 21+ local bodies represented on the forum.

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2 Replies to “Local Planning”

  1. in regard to the proposed redevelopment of the former Impact Office,Leighton Rd West Ealing we have been informed that the office will be demolished after Christmas and that the developer proposes changes to the design. This went to the planning committee earlier this year. We have taken this up with the relevant parties. We are also concerned for the safety of people using the pavement directly by the site, as there is a lot of traffic going into and out of Leighton Rd and pedestrians will be forced to use the pavement opposite, by the flower bed, and then have to cross over to gain access to the shops in Northfields Avenue

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