Tackling drug dealing in West Ealing – WEN public meeting on Monday 11th July

We have some good speakers for our meeting on Monday so please do come along and find out not only what’s being done to deal with the local drug dealing problem but also what part the local community can play.

Our speakers are:

  • An overview from Superintendent Ian Jenkins
  • What’s happening locally – Sergeant Pinder Chana of Walpole
    Safer Neighbourhood Team
  • Getting the local community involved – Paul Dunn of Ealing
    Council’s Community Safety Team
  • How councillors can help – Councillor Nigel Bakhai

The meeting is at St John’s Church in Mattock Lane and starts at 7.30pm

David Highton



One Reply to “Tackling drug dealing in West Ealing – WEN public meeting on Monday 11th July”

  1. Great meeting last night. Really good panel and a good turn out too. We had some pertinent questions from the audience and a few ‘promises’ from the Panel, so we are keen to get them back in a few months time to review progress.

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