Tackling crime in West Ealing – update from the police

Following our article in the January newsletter about law and order concerns in West Ealing, we invited Inspector Susan Hayward, Ealing Safer Neighbourhoods Manager, to respond. She  writes:
‘Ealing Borough Police are aware of the impact of these recent incidents of violence on the local community. Immediately after these incidents additional patrols by local officers and PCSOs were arranged to provide reassurance to both the residential and business communities. In addition to this, a number of residential and business properties in the area have been visited by members of their local safer neighbourhoods team.

Whilst several of these investigations are still ongoing, we have made a number of arrests which have resulted in individuals being charged and sentenced at court. We are making every effort to bring these offenders to justice.

We will continue to meet with the WEN to listen and to respond to any concerns. In order to co-ordinate a long term response to some issues raised, meetings have been arranged with representatives from the local Safer Neighbourhoods Teams, Local Authority Community Safety Unit, Local Ward Panel, Local Councillor, Local Church, Residents Association and Eric Leach (WEN) . This will allow Ealing Police to work closely with partners and the local community to address these concerns and develop plans to help in the future.’

WEN is interested to find out how West Ealing stacks up in the ‘crime stakes’ – in other words are we more crime ridden than other comparable areas, and if so, what can we do about it, if anything? One of our committee has been looking at recent figures and collating some preliminary thoughts – which we’ll include in the next newsletter. If anyone would like to contribute to this task, please email us – westealingneighbours@gmail.com.

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