Help create a new future for Ealing – Sunday 16th Nov

‘Re-imagining Ealing’s Future’: Sunday 16th November 7.30pm
Ealing Transition invites you to a participatory Open Space event which will explore the future we would like to create together for ourselves in Ealing. The emphasis is on the practical and the possible, rather than on the things we can’t easily influence, like macro-economic policy.
We will start by showing a short (15 min) TED talk by Nic Marks, which proposes a future based on human happiness, wellbeing and sustainable resource use rather than on productivity or Gross National Product. We will then create an Open Space in which your ideas and contributions can be explored.
If you have ideas about doing something in your local community which could make a positive difference and strengthen our connection to each other, and believe in the power of ‘just doing stuff’ please come and contribute.
The event starts at 7.30pm and takes place in the Polygon, St Mary’s Church, St Mary’s Road Ealing W5 5RH. Entry is free however as usual we will ask for a small donation to help us cover costs. It should be a lively event!

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