OPEN Ealing: Islamic Geometry course from Thurs 31st March 2-4pm

I thought this sounds interesting:


Starting on Thursday 31 March at 2pm we are running a 10 week course


Each week you will construct a different pattern which will then be tessellated and/or finished with a weave effect. You will explore patterns with 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 fold symmetry and how they can be tiled on a regular or semi regular underlying grid. As you gain experience and confidence with the constructions, patterns will become more complex. Time will also be spent looking at traditional colour inspirations from around the Islamic world and how these patterns can be transferred to other paper or surfaces, and  reproduced in different mediums, such as watercolour and gouache.

Our final two sessions will be dedicated to each participant producing an exhibition piece.

For full details and costs visit OPEN Ealing’s website

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