Have your say on new plans to tackle anti-social behaviour in West Ealing

Ealing Council wants to hear your views on its plan to create a West Ealing ‘protected zone’ (Public Space Protection Order) as one of its steps to tackle anti-social behaviour associated with street drinking and drug use in West Ealing and Hanwell.  We’ve written about these problems a lot over the past few years and this could be a good step in the right direction. There’s a more detailed story about this on the ealingnewsextra website and the actual consultation page of the Council’s website is here. 

This could be a really useful step in tackling the problems we are all too familiar with in West Ealing so WEN encourages as many people as possible to respond to this consultation.




One Reply to “Have your say on new plans to tackle anti-social behaviour in West Ealing”

  1. Hello,

    I am a resident in west Ealing, on the 15th December someone broke my side mirror during day light. The side mirror that was broken was the one on the pavement side, so some did it deliberately .
    I am disapponted to find out obviously but west Ealing antisocial behaviour is getting out of hands.
    Ealing Council should do more to make West Ealing ina saver place.

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