Shock at plans for 25-storey tower block opposite West Ealing station

Our Facebook page was very busy indeed with reaction to A2Dominion’s exhibition this week about its plans for a 25-storey tower block on the Majestic Wine and Halfords site opposite West Ealing station.

The common thread was undoubtedly that 25 storeys is just too tall and out of keeping with what is primarily a residential area. A2Dominion’s plan is to build about 183 homes on this site. Of the 183 homes 35% will be affordable and of these 60% will be affordable rent and 40% shared ownership. The full plans can be found here. The closing date for comments is 3rd June. Sometime after that A2Dominion will put in a formal planning proposal when there will be another chance to comment.

However, we should not see this development in isolation. This area around West Ealing station is certain to see a lot more development. The question for the local community is what sort of new community would we like to see created as a result of the inevitable development and how do we go about trying to influence the development process? What seems to be happening is a rapid increase in the height of planned and proposed developments. We started with the original eight storeys at Green Man Lane, then very recently the Council approved 15-storeys for A2Dominion’s plans for the old Woolworths site. Now, A2Dominion are back asking for 25-storeys.

Undoubtedly, we need more homes but at what price and for whom? Are these developments really tackling our housing shortage when many are marketed in the Far East as investment properties?

West Ealing Neighbours’ response to these plans:

At present the tallest buldings in this area are the 8-storey Luminosity Court next to the station and the 11-storey Dominion  House, also an A2Dominion building, next to the Drayton Court Hotel. We have four specific objections:

  1. 25-storeys is far higher than any building in this area and is completely out of keeping with what is primarily a residential area.
  2. It will set a precedent for the other developments around the station that we feel are sure to come forward over the next few years
  3. It does very little to address the serious shortage of truly affordable housing
  4. Only seven of the homes are 3-bedroom which does little to meet the need for family homes

A2Dominion’s consultation is open until 3rd June and you can see their plans and give your comments on their special website.

A new Facebook page has been set up by local residents opposed to this 25-storey tower.

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