Trying to keep up with planning applications

Maybe it’s my imagination but there seem to be more and more controversial planning applications coming up now. Along with the various tall towers plans there now seem to be an ever increasing number of what you might call ‘domestic’ applications that are worrying people – from back garden developments to adding more storeys to exsiting homes. It’s very hard to keep up with them all.

WEN has been told about this one below by a fellow residents’ group. This one is a bit different as it’s about a breach of planning regulations:

‘Dear friends and neighbours,
No 15 Blakesley Avenue has appealed to the Sec of State against the enforcement notice issued by Ealing Council. This is the property that has breached planning regs and built a single storey rear extension and an unauthorised enlargement of a basement extension. They are continuing to build and no doubt the plan is to use the property as self contained flats without permission. They have built without planning too and continue to build even today. Don’t let this one set the precedent for the others and whilst it may not be happening on your doorstep today, large family homes are being lost more and more to scrupulous property developers who think they have found a way to make money by overdeveloping into these spaces, with or without permission.

If you can help preserve our conservation area please forward to neighbours and friends in the Ealing area and if they wish to comment on the appeal, please can you do so online at or you can email your comments to or a letter can be sent to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/23A, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN. The appeal ref to quote is APP/A5270/C/20/3258722. LAST DATE TO RESPOND 5 JANUARY 2021.

An application for planning has just been made by no 13 Blakesley Avenue (neighbours of the above and we suspect related parties) to convert a same double fronted home into 8 self contained flats. Again if you can please ask friends and family, neighbours to lodge their comments at

These are beautiful characteristic houses in the Mount Park conservation area – help save them. Thanks for all your help neighbours!’

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