Have your say about improving private rental in Ealing

Only a few days left to give your views about possible changes to private rental in Ealing. This is the Council’s press release:

‘We’re considering making some changes to our property licensing schemes, to make private renting in the borough safer and better.

Since 2017, many privately rented homes in Ealing have needed a licence to be let. Licensing has been a big success, delivering safer homes for tenants, more support for landlords, and a reduction in neighbourhood nuisance and anti-social behaviour.

The new proposals would mean that the majority of houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) and all rented properties in 15 wards of the borough would require a licence. Under the schemes, a licence holder would have to comply with several conditions relating to their property, including gas, electrics and fire safety.

But before any decisions are made, we want to hear what our residents, businesses and other interested parties think about the plans. To take part in our short survey, please visit www.ealing.gov.uk/prslicensingconsultation by Monday, 16 August.’

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