Complete this survey and say what you think about living in Ealing

A number of local residents’ groups, including Ealing Matters, Save Ealing’s Centre, Stop the Towers, Draytons Community Association and Save Gurnell, have got together and designed an online survey to find out about residents’ experience of living in Ealing.

They are reaching out to every part of the borough to obtain as full a picture of residents’ attitudes as possible, and they would love to hear your views.

Please complete the survey at:

The survey is anonymous. That means that they will not collect any information or publish the results in a form that would make you personally identifiable.

The information you provide will help them understand people’s priorities across the borough.  Thank you for taking part!

PS The Council is running a separate online survey at the moment to help shape the new Local Plan. It’s called Shaping Ealing and we are encouraging everyone to take part in that survey as well since the Local Plan will determine how Ealing changes over the next 15 years.

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