New art project for West Ealing needs your help and ideas

Local art charity Artification’s vision is to connect people and places through art.

The Creative Connections project is an artwork opportunity coordinated by Artification and funded by Clarion Futures West Ealing Grants Programme & plans to:

1. Create iconic public art in West Ealing

2. Celebratory Art Fest to involve local residents & community groups

3. Revitalise & help make West Ealing an attractive neighbourhood

We will deliver art workshops, co-create public art & exhibit the work created, develop new skills & improve the neighbourhood through community cohesion & creativity. Local people will set the brief & select the Artwork.

Professional artists will work with residents, school & community groups to develop local themes into public art that will be displayed in West Ealing and visible to all visitors & residents.

Let us know if you’d like to be involved in.

  • Project launch & steering group
  • Project meetings
  • Art workshops
  • Mural & exhibition
  • Community celebration

ARTification email:

Your ideas:

The artwork could represent community spirit, local history, beauty, colour. We are seeking your input to help shape the Artist opportunity.  Please share your ideas: 

  1. Themes (Reflections, stories, insights, topics and hopes which locals suggest for the artist consider / reflect / portray.)
  • Key Words (Please share key words or phrases to help stimulate the strongest, most relevant artwork for West Ealing.
  • Local inspiration for this artwork (Suggestions from locals for inspiration, approaches and hopes for the artwork)
  • Style, Content and Colour

We look forward to working together creatively in West Ealing.




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