Fatal shooting in West Ealing this afternoon

A man has been shot dead and a woman seriously injured in a shooting in Felix Road, West Ealing this afternoon. A police helicopter was seen circling overhead shortly after.

More news as we get it

Update 10.30pm

Man of 32 was shot dead and a woman in her late 20s has been taken to hospital after a shooting in a flat in Felix Road. The flat looks to be in Glenpark Court, the new block built on the dog-leg corner, where Felix and Alexandria Roads meet and oppposite St John’s School.

A Felix Road resident says of the afternoon’s events ‘Lots of police and ambulances including the Air Ambulance. Police came door-to-door asking whether we have seen anything suspicious. Police conducting searches in front gardens and have also brought a police sniffer dog. Lots of media interest including the Sky helicopter which took some aerial shots and then left. Have had calls from Daily Mirror and 2 from Daily Mail asking whether we knew what was happening. Some coverage on LBC who had a live reporter in Felix Road.’

It’s not clear if the police are looking for anyone in connection with the shooting.

Update 28th June

A man has been charged with the murder of Dothan Gordon and the attempted murder of a woman.


One Reply to “Fatal shooting in West Ealing this afternoon”

  1. Understandably, there were lots of anxious rumours surrounding this incident. The police sent out a message on 21 June, as below:

    We take this opportunity to reassure the public that this incident is not connected to any other recent incident in the area. The events are contained within the parties that were present. There is no indication that it will involve the wider community and no cause for concern at this time.

    What the police are doing?
    • To reassure you there is an increased police presence in the area.
    • We continue to liaise with community representatives and are providing them with regular
    • Safer Neighbourhoods Team officers continue to speak to local residents and keep them
    updated with developments.
    Any concerns?
    If you have any concerns about crime in your area please contact your local Safer
    Neighbourhoods Team by visiting http://www.met.police.uk/saferneighbourhoods or calling 101.
    In an emergency always dial 999.

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