New plan proposed for Ealing Broadway

A New Plan for Ealing Broadway

Both West Ealing and Ealing Broadway have neighbourhood forum plans nearing completion. These plans, if accepted by the Council, residents and businesses, will influence the development of these two town centres for 10 and more years to come. So they matter. The closing date for comments on the West Ealing plan  is 5th October. Information about the Ealing Broadway plan is below:

A ground breaking new plan for Ealing Broadway has been sent to the Council by the Central Ealing Neighbourhood Forum.

The plan will influence development in the centre over the next ten years. It shows how Central Ealing can respond to the opportunities and threats of Crossrail.

CENF is the first business neighbourhood in London to submit a Plan under the Localism Act. It has been created by a partnership of local residents, businesses and community organisations.

It believes Ealing should be a distinctive and welcoming place for people to shop, work, study or just visit. It should be the natural focus for the wider area, based on the special character of its buildings and green spaces, and be a regional centre of excellence for culture and education.

The Forum wants everyone to get engaged . The plan details can also be seen here.

Ealing Council now has to arrange for a formal consultation on the Plan and for an independent Examiner to assess it. It will then be put to separate referendums of local residents and businesses, and if both groups vote in favour it will become part of Ealing’s official local plan.

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