West Ealing station getting ready to open

It looks like the new station for West Ealing is getting close to completion. It should be open for business in the next few weeks. You can read what the recent Crossrail newsletter says here

It seems likely that once the new station is open more people will use the Jacob’s Ladder footbridge to access the station. That raises the question of what is being done to improve the safety and security of this tired old crossing? It’s just about inaccessible for anyone with mobility problems or parents with pushchairs which is contrary to Crossrail’s ethos of accessibility for all its station.

WEN has raised the poor state of this footbridge for years but next to nothing has happened to improve its physical state and its poor reputation for anti-social behaviour. The TfL funded Live West Ealing project had set aside some money to improve the access to the crossing at both ends. The project was put on hold due to pandemic and its impact on TfL’s funding. However, the project is about to re-start so we will ask about plans for Jacob’s Ladder and report back here.

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